What if the city I'm looking for is not listed?

We are constantly adding links to more cities across the U.S. and we welcome any feedback you have on cities to add. In the meantime, you may want to choose a nearby city, as some of the information may overlap.

What if the connection to the link does not work?

The site you have selected may be temporarily down or undergoing updates. Please try it again later. If the site is continually down, feel free to notify us.

Why didn't I get results?

If you received the "NO RESULTS WERE FOUND" message:
Double check your spelling. Our search is able to accommodate most misspellings by offering you a list of possible matches, but if the word looks like nothing we've seen before, you may be able to stump us! If you enter more than one word, the first word must be complete. Entry of multiple words needs to be an exact match (e.g., "automobile body" instead of "auto body"). If you entered "and", try "&", and vice versa. Spacing -- You may have entered extra spaces (e.g., "A A A Colorado" instead of "AAA Colorado"), or you may need to insert extra spaces (e.g., "T C B Y" instead of "TCBY"). Plurals - If you are not sure whether a word needs an "s" on the end, leave it off. Same with possessives (it's safer to enter "Bob" rather than "Bob's") Avoid abbreviations unless you know the exact abbreviation, or enter a modified version (such as "Av" instead of "Ave." or "Avenue"). Also, avoid putting periods in abbreviations. Enter last name first with no comma before the first name in a Business Name search.

If you received the "NO SEARCH INFORMATION WAS ENTERED" message:
You need to enter search information in at least one field. Generally, something needs to be in either Category, Business Name or Address.

Where does U S WEST get its listing information?

We have a variety of information sources, which helps us ensure listings are the most complete and accurate available on the Internet.

You have a section in Legal Disclaimers under Terms and Conditions entitled Consent to Monitoring and Disclosures which sets out U S WEST's policies regarding collection and use of customer information. Could you explain in more detail?

U S WEST has always considered the privacy of customer information to be very important. The development of interactive services such as U S WEST® Yellow Pages on the Internet has led to further examination and updating of U S WEST's privacy policies to ensure they are consistent with our customer's expectations given this new environment.

U S WEST will not collect and/or disclose personnally identificable information about your use of the service. In the event that U S WEST has decided to collect and/or disclose such information, we would first obtain your consent. We will develop reports based on aggregated data about use of the service to help understand how to better serve our customer's needs and to develop new and innovative online services.

What is U S WEST's policy regarding use and disclosure of information that I voluntarily provide to U S WEST while using this service?

On occasion you may contact us about your ideas, thoughts and suggestions for U S WEST® Yellow Pages on the Internet or we may solicit such input. In the event you choose to provide us such information, it will not be considered confidential and U S WEST would be under no obligation to protect it. In addition, we would be free to use such ideas and suggestions in any manner we wish.

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